Check out our post on understanding guest folio in hotel operational usage and deeper understanding. Use this page as a reference for further details. The name “folio” itself has an […]
A block in a hotel is a collection of rooms allotted for and paid for by a particular group of guests, company, travel agent, tour operator, or another source. So, […]
What is night audit in PMS? And why does a night auditor crunch numbers in the wee hours in the corner of the accounting department? Hotels are complicated businesses open […]
Printing multiple folios might be useful when a company demands all or some of its employee folios be sent for checking, processing, or whatever reason that might help them. Fortunately, […]
What is the meaning of ‘Rooming in hotel’? Rooming refers to hotels assigning a room to your reservation, which is called ‘room blocking.’ When you make a booking, hotels sell […]
What is the rate code of a hotel? Rate codes help hotels set up various room rates by room type, dates, season, customer type, amenity, and purpose. For example, a […]
A guest’s journey starts with a reservation, which is the first interaction a guest has with the hotel. Reservations are a bilateral contract where the hotel agrees to reserve a […]
City Ledger is a list of company/travel agent accounts that owe hotels money since their employees or representatives stayed at the hotel on a credit basis. What Is the Primary […]