City Ledger is a list of company/travel agent accounts that owe hotels money since their employees or representatives stayed at the hotel on a credit basis. What Is the Primary […]
The billing with its itemized postings acts as a statement of charges throughout the guest’s stay. When you print this billing, it becomes an invoice, which in hotels’ terms, is a guest folio.
Hoteliers set room rates in hotels to sell their inventory; that is the number of rooms they have. They set a ‘per night’ price for each room based on what […]
The billing with its itemized postings acts as a statement of charges throughout the guest’s stay. When you print this billing, it becomes an invoice, which in hotels’ terms, is a guest folio.
Every time you check into a hotel, you go through a registration process, that you may not notice. This process has several steps – one of which is a Hotel […]
Turning a ‘hotel confirmation letter’ for the benefit of guests & the hotels. When you book a hotel room, you enter into a contract with the hotel, whether the booking […]
Definition: A hotel folio is a printed invoice containing charges posted to a guest’s hotel bill. It lists itemized charges such as room, F&B, restaurant charges, laundry, telephone, other revenue, […]
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